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What is 'Hunarmand Jawan program': Here's all you want to know

Prime Minister Imran Khan on Thursday launched the  "Hunarmand Jawan" program aimed at the skill development of the youth across the country. 

Salient Features:

1-Development & Standardization of 200 Technical & Vocational Education & Training (TVET) Qualifications

2-International Accreditation of 50 Pakistani TVET Institutes and initiation of Joint Degree Programs with reputed international TVET Institutes

3-Strengthening of NAVTTC’s National Skill Information System (NSIS) and expansion of National Job Portal

4-Establishing 100 Smart Tech labs across Pakistan for distant learning programs in Technical & Vocational Education and Training sector including introduction of soft skills, Business & IT and virtual skill development

5-Establishing 10 country of destination specific facilitation Centers in 10 cities across Pakistan with high outflux of Pakistanis in the international market workers abroad

6-Establishing 70 new labs / workshop in Madrassa(s) to introduce skill development activities all across Pakistan

7-Skill Development Program for 50,000 youth belonging to less developed areas of country especially Balochistan, GB, AJK and newly added districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (Ex-FATA), Southern Punjab & Rural Sindh

8-Skill development training of 50,000 Youth in High-End / High-Tech. technologies in reputed Universities & state of the Art TVET Institutes of Pakistan

9-Apprenticeship training of 25,000 youth in industry under Apprenticeship Act-2018 (Formal & Informal Apprenticeship) in collaboration with provincial TEVTAs

10-Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) of 100,000 youth to certify informally acquired skills inside the country and abroad and training of 8,000 Assessors

11-Establishing National Accreditation Council at ICT

12-Accreditation of 2,000 TVET Institutes all across Pakistan

13-Transfer of Technology through Foreign Training of 500 TVET Teachers in Technologically Advanced Countries and In-country Technical Training of Training of 2,000 TVET Teachers

14-Establishment of 50 Business Incubation Centers to promote self-employment and entrepreneurship in skilled youth

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