Six accused of torturing Faisalabad volleyball player still at large The men accused of kidnapping and torturing a volleyball player for refusing to join their team are still at large as of Wednesday, three days after a first information report (FIR) of the incident was registered.However, police said they have decided to carry out a forensic test of the video of the inhumane torture, wherein the accused had forced volleyball player Farhan's face into the ground, compelling him to rub his nose in the mud, and insulted him after stripping him naked in the harsh cold.The video of the torture went viral on social media.Read more: Police register FIR over inhumane torture of volleyball playerPolice said the suspects had demanded that Farhan pay them Rs5,000 every month and, therefore, a charge of extortion was added to the FIR.Farhan, a resident of Faisalabad's Mamun Kanjan neighbourhood, was kidnapped and tortured on December 5. A police spokesperson had confirmed on Sunday that the incident took place three weeks earlier but that the FIR was filed after the victim submitted a petition for the same.Police had identified the suspects in the FIR and would soon arrest them, inspector Amir Waheed had said, adding that raids were being carried out to arrest them.
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