Mystery surrounds two bodies left at Karachi's Jinnah Hospital
KARACHI: Mystery surrounded the identity of two bodies left at Jinnah Hospital on Friday night.
Geo News obtained CCTV footage of the bodies being brought and left at the hospital. One of the corpses was brought to the hospital in a rickshaw while the other, in a taxi.
"The two bodies were brought in by unknown persons. They brought in the persons who were already dead and claimed that they were patients," said Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Centre (JPMC) Executive Director, Seemi Jamali.
Jamali said that the hospital will coordinate with police on any information it comes across related to the corpses of the persons who brought them to the hospital.
Three men can be seen in the footage shifting a body from a rickshaw onto a stretcher and taking in to the emergency ward of the hospital.
Police claim that the bodies will be identified through biometric verification. Police said that they were also working on obtaining footage from buildings close to the hospital to know more about the case.
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